Rabbi Evan Rubin
Evan Rubin became the Rabbi of Congregation Etz Chayim on June 1, 2014. Rabbi Rubin first joined the synagogue in 1994 as its Cantor, a position he held for 19 years. In 2013 Rabbi Rubin moved to Louisville, KY where he was the administrator of the Louisville Vaad Hakashruth.
Rabbi Rubin received his ordination from Yeshivas Pirchei Shoshanim in Israel. His undergraduate studies were done at Yeshiva University in New York.
Rabbi Rubin is married to Kerry and has three daughters.
Bobby Berkowitz, President
Bob is married to the former Cheryl Newman. They have two daughters, Marla and Vicki, and three granddaughters, Ruthie, Yael and Izzy. Bob would very quickly tell you that his family and his friends are his most valued possessions.
He graduated from the University of Toledo with Bachelor and Masters degrees in Education. Over the past 47 years, Bob has taught in Elementary Schools, as well as serving as a Principal. He has also done educational work at the collegiate level. During his tenure, he was named the Sylvania Educator of the Year and received the Martha Holding Jennings Award. He is also a member of PKD.
Bob is serving his second term as president of the synagogue, having served in all other administrative positions. For many years he served as the principal of the Sunday school. He is the recipient of the Harry Levine Service Award as well as the Morris Lubitsky Award.
Nancy Jacobson, Program Director
Nancy accepted the position of Program Director for Etz Chayim in September of 2016. This was a new position after serving four years as Principal of OhrChadash Religious School. She also chaired the Religious School Committee prior to serving as principal. Nancy is a member of the Special Needs Committee and has been a representative from Etz Chayim to the Toledo Link to College.
Nancy graduated from University of Hartford with a BS degree in Elementary and Special Education. Presently, she is teaching at Ottawa River Elementary School. Nancy teaches reading, language arts and math to 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in a cross-categorical special education resource room. Nancy also taught at the Hebrew Academy for ten years, teaching children in grades 1st, 3rd, and 6th. She also taught at EtzChaym Religious School for 9 years.
Nancy is married to Marc for 31 years. They have two daughters, Becky and Michelle.
Elsa Leveton, Administrator
Elsa Leveton, Synagogue administrator par excellence, was born and raised in Toledo. She holds degrees in Elementary Education and Psychology. She has taught Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades in various locales.
She also served as the Administrative Assistant at the Hebrew Academy of Toledo for 10 years. She has been with Etz Chayim in her current role for 15 years.
Elsa is married to Allen (Gabbi of Etz Chayim) for 45 years; have a son and a daughter, 4 grandchildren and now, a puppy.
Elsa loves working with people and for the benefit of the shul.
Sandy Marcus, Bookkeeper and Gift Shop Chairperson
Sandy Marcus, born and raised in Cleveland, has been a synagogue employee for 15 years. Currently, she handles the finances of the synagogue and manages the gift-shop.
She and her husband Steve, a past president, are proud parents of Josh and Adam, as well as two wonderful grandchildren, Sam and Hanna.
Sandy enjoys traveling the globe as well as dedicating her time and organizational talents to our congregation.

Congregation Etz Chayim * 3853 Woodley Road, Toledo, OH 43606
Phone: (419)473-2401 * Fax: (419)474-1880
E-mail: info@etzchayimtoledo.org
Copyright © 2000-2025 Congregation Etz Chayim All rights reserved.